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Green Arrow

Green Arrow

Oliver Queen

F) In40
A) Rm30
S) Gd10
E) Ex20
R) Gd10
I) Gd10
P) Ty6

Health: 100 Karma: 22
Resources: Ex Pop: 15

Known Powers:

Bow: Able to fire 3 arrows/round at 7 areas range.
Arrows: Green Arrow has access to the following types of arrows:
-Regular: Rm Edge
-Boxing Glove: Rm Blunt
-Drill: Cuts through Rm material
-Bola: Rm entangling attack
-Grappling Hook: 2 areas long, In material
-Taser: Am damage, 5 areas
-Remote Taser: With a successful Agility FEAT (Mn), Green Arrow can hit up to 7 different targets, leaving an electro-pad attach to the victims. When triggered, it causes In Electrical damage
-Explosive: Am damage, may also be timed
-Magnetic: In adherence, may cary cable or other arrowheads.
-Net: In entanglement
-Remote Controlled: May be remote controlled from his belt, the tip can do Rm Edge
-Smoke: 1 area
-Tear Gas: In, 1 area
-Handcuff: Gd Entanglement
-Riot Foam: In ensnarement, freezes an opponent in place with an Am material foam
-Oil Slick: Ex
-Nth Metal: Rm Edge, able to breach magical wards, protections or barriers of up to Un intensity.

Talents: Marksmanship, Survival, Tracking, Bows, Weapon Specialist: (Bow), Ex reason for designing arrow heads, Swordsman, Martial Arts A, B

Contacts: Speedy, Batman